Vote Stephanie Thomas in 2026 on Tues. November 3! Stephanie Thomas para Secretaria d
Vote Stephanie Thomas in 2026 on Tues. November 3! Stephanie Thomas para Secretaria d
Signed in as:
The Office of the Secretary of the State works as a team to provide a wide range of services for the people and businesses of Connecticut.
Files and maintains legally required records showing the formation of and fundamental changes to corporations, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, limited partnerships and other business entities. Business Services disseminates that information to the general public and the business, banking and legal communities. Transactions relevant to security interests in personal property are perfected by filing statements under the Uniform Commercial Code statutes with the Research and Response unit. These filings protect the holder of the security interest by securing the lien and providing public notice that such interest exists. Trade, service, collective, certification and device marks are registered, and the division investigates and collects fees and penalties from foreign corporations doing business in Connecticut without authority. The division is also responsible for administering the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP), which provides services to victims of crime.
Administers, interprets and implements all state and federal laws pertaining to elections, primaries, nominating procedures, and the acquisition and exercise of voting rights. The Division encourages and monitors the implementation of the National Voter Registration Act and other voter registration efforts in Connecticut. In conjunction with local Town Clerks and Registrars of Voters, the division provides training for local elected officials. The division, working with local officials, has put into operation a statewide-computerized voter registry system, which complies with the Help America Vote Act.
In addition the division is the official keeper of all acts, orders, grants and resolutions of the General Assembly, receives and maintains legislation, regulations and a wide range of other public documents as required by statute, and administers Connecticut’s notary public program.
Regulations are maintained in an online, searchable database called e-Regulations found at . The eRegs System provides a platform for full electronic adoption and publication of all state agency regulations. The system was also designed with government transparency and public participation in mind. A simply-designed but powerful public access portal allows for easy searching and tracking of regulations and regulation-making records.
is responsible for the administration, support, development and maintenance of all computer systems and related applications within the agency. It also provides support to the Centralized Voter Registration system, Business Services Application, the agency website and all E-Government initiatives within the agency.
Supports the office in the areas of human resources, affirmative action, fiscal administration, business, revenue depositing, purchasing, data processing and other support services. It also publishes the Connecticut State Register and Manual (the “Blue Book”), maintains the interactive version on the agency website, and coordinates its distribution and sales.
In addition, the Administrative and Capitol offices administer a wide range of programs and services for Connecticut’s young people, citizens, and businesses.
Paid for by Stephanie Thomas for CT. Alan Shinbaum, Treasurer. Approved by Stephanie Thomas.