Vote Stephanie Thomas in 2026 on Tues. November 3! Stephanie Thomas para Secretaria d
Vote Stephanie Thomas in 2026 on Tues. November 3! Stephanie Thomas para Secretaria d
Signed in as:
Voters must be inspired to vote and our materials, systems, and procedures must be easy to understand. Visit for plain language resources we created to help you.
Focused on restoring trust in our government by teaching Connecticut residents how to navigate our government and advocate for what we believe . Visit the newly created for more information.
Between 2023 and 2026 we will see more changes in election processes than the past fifteen years combined. Our office will continue to implement these changes while ensuring that you can vote safely and securely.
The first stop for any business in this state is the Secretary of the State’s Office. The sharing of resources and training opportunities while streamlining the process will help you focus on what you do best - running your business.
Paid for by Stephanie Thomas for CT. Alan Shinbaum, Treasurer. Approved by Stephanie Thomas.